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The Power of Social Skills: Why being great with people is Now more important than ever

Some may argue that bonds today are made more in cyberspace , and at the rate of its current growing popularity it wouldn’t be surprising for it soon to be the norm, but that doesn’t deny the importance of having social skills. They still do play a critical role in helping us in building new relationships and strengthening the ones we have. It helps us understand each other better which is not only great for not only our personal growth but also our professional growth as having effective communication skills and empathy are still vital and highly valued by both individuals and corporations.

“Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another and feeling with the heart of another”

Alfred Adler, Austrian medical doctor and psychotherapist.
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Firstly, the foundation of social skills lies in as earlier stated in creating and building relationships, nobody wants to work or be acquainted with someone who is unable to communicate and collaborate effectively. It is undeniably essential in establishing a positive relationship with friends, family, colleagues and clients.

Furthermore, deep down most of us want to be part of a tribe, a group and with good social skills one can foster that sense of belonging and connection in society, which is a necessity for good mental health.

As you can learn more about yourself once you put in the effort to understand others and their perspectives, because forming relationships is not that easy. It requires the ability to manage conflict and being able to express effectively, sometimes simultaneously which often requires empathy and tolerance towards others

In conclusion, social skills are still an essential skill needed in personal development that only seems to enhance other aspects of your life as well.

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